Your Voice

The Guild is here for all students, so if you’ve got something to say then we want to hear it!

Throughout the year, your elected Officers work to gather your feedback and create the changes that you want to see. They do this through a combination of:

  • Working with the University
  • Lobbying within formal Committees
  • Meeting with local or regional decision-makers
  • Championing your interests with the National Union of Students or Parliament

If you’re a student with something to say, you can get in touch with us at any time.

Course Representatives

Every year, we work with over 300 Course Representatives across University and College courses by providing training, briefings, and reward/recognition. Every year of every course should have at least one Course Rep and the Guild will offer all the support that you need. So, if you have feedback on your academic experience then find your Rep. Or, if you fancy taking on a leadership role, find out more about becoming a Rep yourself.


Every year, the Guild runs a range of campaigns to champion the key issues affecting students. A lot of these campaigns are led by your elected Officers based on their manifestos or decisions made at Student Council. But, if there’s an issue that you care about and want to champion, we can support you to create change at UCB. Just get in touch with us to find out more.

Feedback Opportunities

Every student’s views matter to us, so we try to offer different ways for you to share your feedback with the Guild. Over the course of a year, we invite students to participate in our Pulse surveys, your elected Officers visit you around campus, we hold feedback events at key points, and work with students seeking to make complaints. But, you don’t need to wait – if you’ve got something to say then add an item on our Student Voice Platform or drop us a message so that we can help.