Disability & Wellbeing Item Fund

What is the Disability Item Fund?

The Disability Item Fund is a resource designated to support students with disabilities, and students who require support with their wellbeing.

UCB Guild of Students will fund up to £30 per successful applicant for one or more than one items that they require because of a disability or for their wellbeing. These items could be, but are not limited to, stim toys, sunflower lanyards or disability pride items.

What are the Aims of the Disability Item Fund?

This campaign seeks to offer equitable opportunities, by funding items that provide support with a disability and promote students’ wellbeing.

How to apply

To apply, please fill out the Disability & Wellbeing Item Fund Application Form. The fund is exclusively open for University College Birmingham students.

Please make sure you fill the form out accurately to prevent any delays in your application.